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  • 在2021年,超過10%的香港兒童比全球平均兒童更感到情緒低落。1
  • 在2021年,香港只有5%的兒童對自身健康感到良好,比全球平均的36.6%低。1
  • 2021年進行的一項調查指出香港6-17歲兒童的快樂指數達5年新低。2
  • 2019-2020學年香港中小學的校園欺凌數字達10年新高,按年比例增長了50%。3
  • 在2019-2020學年中,最少23間中小學學生有自殺傾向,創8年新高。4


  • 疫情期間,在線學習為教師帶來不少壓力、不足感和內疚感,亞洲各地成千上萬的教師正面臨心理健康問題。5
  • 教師平均壓力指數上升至97 (10分為最高)。6
  • 超過 80% 的教師回應說,他們的身心健康受到了疫情的影響。 許多教師說他們已經筋疲力盡,幾乎 50% 教師表示有工作焦慮感。7
  • 2018 年, 1,836 名接受採訪的教師中有 2% 出現中度或嚴重抑鬱症狀,包括絕望感、疲勞感和睡眠障礙。 23% 認為他們有「很大」的工作壓力,另外 58.2% 認為工作壓力是「非常大」 。8


  1. Low, Z. & Ng, K. (2021, June 8). Hong Kong’s children unhappier, less healthy than peers elsewhere, new World Health Organization survey finds. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from:
  2. Chan, H. (2021, April 15). Hong Kong schools report 50% jump in bullying despite in-person classes being suspended because of COVID-19. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from:
  3. Chan, H. (2021, April 16). Hong Kong children unhappiest they have been in five years, with nearly 10 percent planning to leave city over fears for future, new survey finds. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from:
  4. Chan, H. (2021, April 27). Hong Kong’s teachers told to be on alert after suspected suicides among city’s children hits eight-year high. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from:
  5. Dhillon, A. (2021, October 1). From Singapore and Malaysia to the Philippines, teachers say online learning left them struggling with mental health: ‘I dread going to school.’ Retrieved from:
  6. Choy, G. (2021, April 18). Stress among Hong Kong’s students and teachers has risen to worrying levels during the coronavirus pandemic, local groups say. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from:
  7. Chan, H. (2020, December 15). Hong Kong fourth wave: Covid-19 has taken even worse toll on city’s teachers than last year’s protests, with most feeling ‘high pressure’ union says. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from:
  8. (2018, September 3). Half of Hong Kong students and teachers show signs of depression due to stress of school workload. Young Post. Retrieved from: